a1e5b628f3 Windshield Laws in Massachusetts by Valerie Johnston on . Windshields can only have non-reflective tint along the top six inches of the . Subaru Service; Land . Anonymous wrote:My car is less than two weeks old, has 300 miles on it, and today I have a 3 inch simple crack in the windshield, down near the bottom.I think it's from hard snow, ice, or Windshield covered under warranty? . It will drop into the hole that started the crack. Subaru does not cover windshields under warranty . Safelite is a leader in auto glass replacement services, providing the highest quality of windshield replacement glass for our customers. So I just noticed that my C has a huge crack starting from the bottom of the windshield 9inches or so up. There's no sign of a rock chip, and it.
Cracked Windshields On Subaru Foresterinstmanks
Updated: Nov 26, 2020